Tightly Pressed For An Agreement Crossword Clue

kenty9x | October 11, 2021 | 0

Certainly not on the same wavelength as the Setter today. found this offer problematic and some of the missing clues, IMHO. I had a few duhs! Solve moments, but a *** 1/2 to **** for me. It seemed much more difficult than the latest Saturday deals. Didn`t work, then clockwise. Liked 16a, 22a, 4d &15d Thanks to the Setters & BD If you still haven`t solved the crossword note Compress; So why not search our database for the letters you already have! I found it very enjoyable, with only 18d and 26a holding me back a bit (although I can`t now know why). Love the Furies index (also liked to talk about her in the classroom). Favorites today: 13d, 15d and 18a, with 18a my COTD. Poor Brian: He didn`t have a good week. Thanks to BD and the Setter.

**/** After last Saturday`s crossword in the digital edition wasn`t a price cross word, this week`s crossword was called a price version. However, when I tried to submit it from my Android tablet, it received the message “No HTML URL specified in the competition options”. I tried again, but this time from my iPad, and I succeeded. WW, take the “A” of the subscript, followed by a 4-letter word for a “feminine” (“hold”) environment, a synonym for “”. As this is a price crossword, please do not give ANY ANSWERS, either TOTALLY, PARTIALLY OR FALSE, or ALTERNATIVE INDICATIONS in your comment. If in doubt, let it go! Urgh, so glad that so many others found it stinking. I immediately wrote 1d in it and thought I would get through it, and then I became completely puzzled. With all the clues, a thesaurus, a bit of Google research and even the automatic crossword side, I`m done, but I feel a little dirty. 4d was one of the few I got pretty quickly thanks to Latin classes 30 years ago.

The general was a new one, and I`m not sure I have the right man, since the images that appear don`t look like that, but mine exists So I wrote it! Thank you Setter and Tippmeister! A challenge that is not bad. I managed to complete it without electronic help, thanks to the indications of BD. I`m frustrated that I can`t see some of the obvious anagrams, in hindsight. I put “Aioli” in 10a because it`s a kind of mayo, and I had to reread the clue. I found this very good, with some good indications that give a pleasant solution. 21a, it never before occurred to me that the word could be used in the indication as a verb, but then I never had any reason to consider it specifically.. . .